Rachel’s Gift—Partnership with Bravera Health Spring Hill; grief support, provides memorial items, support groups, events
The Monarch Center—Located in Ocala, serves Marion county; bereavement support and counseling
Healing Hearts Bereavement Support—Individual, group, family support via Telehealth or in person (Lake City, Gainesville, Palatka, Chiefland—time and location on website)
Share—Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support-Online weekly group chats, closed support groups
M.E.N.D—National service that has monthly online support Zoom sessions
Bereaved Parents of the USA—Support/self-help groups, conferences
Twinless Twins Support Group—Informational resources, support groups, events
Children’s Bereavement Center (CBC)—Support groups, events, informational resources
Star Legacy Foundation—Informational resources, support groups
PAL —Pregnancy After Loss Support—Online support groups
Born Still but Still Born—Stillborn support group
United Through Pregnancy and Infant Loss—Pregnancy loss support group
First Candle Stillbirth Support—Stillborn support group
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness—General pregnancy/infant loss group
Stillbirth Research & Education-Star Legacy Foundation—Group for Star Legacy
First Candle—Informational resources, support groups, memorial items
Rachels’s Gift—Grief support, memorial items, support groups, events
Footprints on My Heart—Assistance on day of loss (makeup/hair for mom, photography, etc.), funeral organization, CuddleCots, emotional support
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep—Professional photography and imaging retouching for infant/fetal loss
Florida Dept. of Health-Certificates and Registries—Provides certificates for nonviable births (10-19 weeks), birth resulting in stillbirth (20+ weeks) or fetal death certificate (20+ weeks)
Project BEAR—Provides teddy bears to anyone grieving the loss of a baby
Angel Names Association—Financial assistance with autopsy, funeral, burial and cremation services for stillborn babies (20+ weeks gestation)
Flutter by IzzyJane—Financial assistance for medical bills for stillborn babies (20+ weeks gestation)
Hayden’s Helping Hands—Financial assistance for medical bills for stillborn babies (20+ weeks gestation)
Saying Goodbye—Amazon, Walmart—A book sharing a personal story of infant loss, includes 90 days of daily support, offering hope
Something Happened—Amazon—A children’s book designed to help a child understand pregnancy loss
My Sibling Still—Amazon—A children’s book for children who lost a sibling to miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death
Always Within—Amazon, Walmart—Grieving the loss of your infant A book that shares stories of love, compassion, and hope for bereaved parents coping with pregnancy or infant loss
Empty Arms—Wintergreen Press Healing Hearts eShop—A book designed for bereaved parents that provides words of encouragement
Couple Communication After a Baby Dies—Wintergreen Press Healing Hearts eShop—Explains thoughtful communication, improved understanding and openness between couples following a loss
Miscarriage: A shattered dream—Wintergreen Press Healing Hearts eShop—Offers a comprehensive and insightful perspective on possible causes, medical terminology, choices and decisions, emotional aspects, coping suggestions, choices for the future, and resources for families experiencing a miscarriage
Planning a Precious Goodbye—Wintergreen Press Healing Hearts eShop—A comprehensive, yet short guide for writing an obituary, sending announcements of the birth and death, planning a memorial service or funeral for babies, including miscarriage
Sibling Grief—Wintergreen Press Healing Hearts eShop—A practical guide to help parents understand their surviving children’s needs and to assist them in grieving and coping with their brother or sister’s death
Single Parents Grief—Wintergreen Press Healing Hearts eShop—For teens or mature parents, this resource explores the special grief of single parents who have no steady partner
Guys and Grief —Apple podcasts, iHeart, Spotify—For fathers who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss
Still a Part of Us—Google podcasts, Apple podcasts, Pandora—Podcast about pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and infant loss
Still Parents—Apple podcasts, Spotify, Amazon music—Hosted by dads who have experienced baby loss
The Joyful Mourning—Apple podcasts, Spotify-Directed for women who have experienced fetal or infant loss
Cradled in Hope—Amazon music, Apple podcasts, Spotify—Gospel-focused podcast for grieving moms